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Comparative Statistics for 1938

Item % % % %
Mileage of lines 6,845 33.1 6,349 30.7 3,782 18.3 2,156 10.4
Locomotives all types 7,644 38.8 6,533 33.2 3,631 18.4 1,813 9.2
Rail motor vehicles 279 13.2 193 9.2 121 5.7 1,512 71.8
Coaching vehicles 17,478 40.2 12,456 28.6 5,985 13.8 6,651 15.3
Goods wagons 285,611 53.0 258,236 38.9 82,453 12.4 33,709 5.1
Engine mileage x 106 228.5 39.0 172.1 29.4 98.5 16.8 84.3 14.4
Passenger traffic x 106 304.1 35.8 196.2 23.1 92.3 10.9 224.2 26.4
Freight traffic tonnage x 106 100.9 38.0 104.0 39.1 50.5 19.0 7.8 2.9
Average percentage 35.1 29.0 14.4 19.1

Note: Figures and percentages exclude minor railways.


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